For information related to The Rotary Foundation please check the available files under Document Download on this page. For other information and questions, please contact our District Foundation Chair, Sue Carstens.
GLOBAL GRANTS AND NEW GRANT MODEL GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES: Please look in the "Related Pages" box for a link to the guidelines and procedures documents for our district.
GLOBAL GRANTS AND NEW GRANT MODEL GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES: Please look in the "Related Pages" box for a link to the guidelines and procedures documents for our district.
Interested in becoming more involved in The Rotary Foundation or connecting with Rotarians who can help you with Foundation questions? Look on the left under Related Pages and click on Foundation Cadre.
Global Grants must be initiated at the District level using this application before they can be submitted to The Rotary Foundation. Once they have been approved at the District level, they may be submitted to The Rotary Foundation at any time during the year, but clubs must be qualified, using the same criteria as District Grants, at the time of submission. The qualifying timeline begins on April 1 and expires on March 31