Rotary District 5390 has its own Foundation. Like the RI Foundation, your contributions to it are tax deductible.
It took a lot of work to make the District Foundation a reality. Money contributed to the Foundation through the purchase of Rotary license plates and other sources will help clubs in our District have access to more District Grant money once the Foundation account becomes large enough.
Although Rotary license plates are no longer being issued (but can be purchased if your county still has them in stock) those who have kept their plates continue to help fund our Foundation. The Foundation is also a great way for those clubs that do not have their own foundation to accept tax deductible contributions for their projects and fundraising - the Foundation then returns the money to the club.
Our district foundation board includes the current District Foundation Chair, District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past District Governor and at least one other person who has served at the district level.